Video: 5 P’s to Start Quantitative Risk Management – No 3 Platform


Enterprise Top Risks Reporting-1The RiskLens SaaS platform integrates advanced quantitative risk analytics with a guided workflow to make FAIR-based cyber risk management fast and scalable. Our experienced professional services team tunes the platform for maximum relevancy for each customer.

But one question we hear regularly from clients is “What about the data?” says RiskLens Regional Sales Director Joe Vinck. “I don’t have access to the data, I don’t even know who would have access to the data.”

AppSec/API Security 2022

As Joe explains in this short video, RiskLens provides industry-based data points for both the frequency and magnitude side of the FAIR methodology that sets a client up to run initial analyses (for instance, to identify top risks) right away.



Then, over a two-week period, the RiskLens team helps the client gather information from around the organization on the available history for data points such as

  • Number of phishing emails in a year
  • Number of records in a sensitive system
  • RTO for a system that contributes to revenue 

Combined with the out-of-the-box industry data, this lays the foundation for the platform to run efficient quantitative risk management on an ongoing basis. “By…

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