Why Proactive Cybersecurity is a Business Essential


The threat vectors for many organizations have increased in the last half-decade as the migration to a more robust digital environment advances, the realities of maintaining business operations in a pandemic persist and the dependence on third-party vendors heightens organizational risk. Jennifer Kraxner, the Vice President of Market Strategy at SecZetta recently discussed these issues with the editors of Security Technology Executive (STE) magazine.

STE: As organizations increasingly prioritize digital transformation initiatives, their cyber risk continues to grow. What factors are contributing to this increased risk and what steps can organizations take to proactively address their cyber risk as they execute digital transformation initiatives?

Kraxner: As organizations continue to drive their businesses forward in new markets and through new initiatives (e.g., digital transformation), their reliance on third parties, including vendors and contractors, along with non-human workers like service accounts and IoT devices, grows. As the number of third parties with access to an organization’s systems and data increases, so does its attack surface, due to unauthorized…

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