Unlicensed software is a security threat that no one can afford and the channel has an opportunity to provide leadership to protect against it


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As we have seen recently in Australia with large scale identity theft from hackers, cyber security is becoming ever more challenging for any PC user. It applies at all levels, from people using their devices for entertainment, working from home, or the desktops in the office.

The importance of this increases for businesses of all scales, but resource-strapped SMEs are the low-hanging fruit for attackers. As they’re not able to afford a large, dedicated IT security team, they need to rely on a combination of their channel partners, as well as the security built into the software solutions that they deploy.

Unfortunately for them, this means that unlicensed software isn’t just a challenge or headache. It’s a potentially business-ending risk they are exposed to.

Statistics show that four in ten Australian SMEs have fallen victim to cyber attacks since the…

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