Human Risk Management Maturity Model developed to help measure human impacts on cyber risks


Living Security and CybSafe have jointly developed a new Human Risk Management Maturity Model, which aims to help organizations measure the impact of human activity on cyber risks.

While several frameworks and maturity models exist to measure cyber security risk, including the National Institutes of Standard and Technology (NIST), the Cyber Defense Matrix and the FAIR methodology for IT frameworks, none are specifically designated to quantify the specific risk that human activity creates inside organizations. The proposed Human Risk Management Maturity Model will give practitioners guidance on how to evolve into the next phase of cyber security to measure and change human behaviors / behaviours. In doing so, organizations are able to both reduce cyber risk and empower employees, creating lasting cultural change inside organizations and across industries.

“The human factor is the last frontier of cyber security. We’ve focused for decades on technologies and systems, but have consistently siloed our approach to the single most important element of any enterprise security plan, the people themselves. We at Living Security believe…

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