Australia Raises Bar on Collaboration to Secure Critical Infrastructure


Australia’s cybersecurity, government, and critical infrastructure communities are joining forces in a collaborative effort to uplift the nation’s human-cyber resilience.

Last week DTEX Systems joined the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre, MITRE Corporation, Providence Consulting Group, and other industry and government delegates in Melbourne for a discussion on Australia’s Security of Critical Infrastructure (SOCI) Act reforms.

The event attracted about 200 representatives in critical industry seeking practical advice on how to kick-start their Trusted Insider (Insider Risk) programs and elevate their personnel security—two requirements of the draft Risk Management Program under the SOCI Act.

DTEX Systems Co-founder and CTO Mohan Koo moderated the panel. He said the event was well received and comes at a time when security professionals are crying out for more collaboration to uplift and accelerate cyber resilience.

“A number of folks have said that the content was exactly what was needed for them to kick-start their program with a level of confidence that they’ll be heading in the right direction,” Mr. Koo said. “The biggest takeaway for me is that…

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