Zero trust tools (2022 Year in Review)


About this series 

 In 2022, security practitioners struggled to address the growing attack surface created by their rapid push to remote work and cloud-based operations during the previous two years. Cyber criminals exploited new vulnerabilities – including those introduced by the growing use of third-party software – to launch ransomware and other attacks.  

But with tools like zero trust, XDR and more automated threat intelligence tech to bolster vulnerability management, cloud, email and endpoint security, organizations fought back – and established plans to invest more to secure networks and data in the next two years.  

Click here to download the full 2022 Cybersecurity Year in Review Report from SC Media.

The following is the first of a seven-part series about where security practitioners struggled and, in many cases, made headway throughout 2022. Here, we focus on their zero trust challenges. 


Massive security vendor hype surrounded zero trust in recent years, with many claiming to have the solutions to enable zero trust out of the box. Given the market saturation — and a mandate from the Biden administration for federal agencies to implement zero trust…

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