Knowing What Assets You Need to Protect



Solutions Review’s Expert Insights Series is a collection of contributed articles written by industry experts in enterprise software categories. Scott Dowsett of Anomali dissects security strategy, and why at the center should be identifying which assets are mission-critical.

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News flash: CISOs are only human.

We try to be strategic, but the fact is that it’s easy to get distracted by the fire drill du jour– whether that comes in the form of a new product to incorporate into the networking infrastructure or a new security threat to repel. The nature of the profession is such that we’re often reacting to the latest item to cross the transom rather than taking a more proactive approach to a nascent threat that may be lurking beyond the horizon.

And as we’ve learned from experience, organizations that come up short on security pay a steep price. Breaches can not only make or break the operations of an existing company, but they now also impact careers and create headaches long after a security incident has occurred. Consider the recent example of Drizly. After the alcohol delivery company suffered a data breach that exposed the personal information of about 2.5…

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