7 Key Takeaways from the Willis Towers Watson Life Sciences Report : Risk & Insurance


Digital transformation, clinical trials, climate change and product recalls are among the top risks and opportunities facing the life sciences sector over the next several years.

The global pandemic forced the life sciences sector to embrace new technologies and working methods delivering innovation at rapid speed. And digital health care solutions have been growing over the past decade.

However, COVID-19 resulted in accelerated adoption of both new tech and work methods in the sector due to necessity, bringing about opportunities and risks. Digitalizing health records, mobile devices, new clinical trial models, and medical advances, such as gene and cell therapies, are revolutionizing the industry.

The Global Life Sciences Risk Outlook 2023 report has identified the top risks and opportunities for the next three to five years. Willis Towers Watson (WTW), a global life sciences broker, surveyed 626 industry leaders for the report to identify the most significant risk to business success.

Conducted in September 2022, the survey gathered the feedback of senior decision-makers across…

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