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Home Cyber Risks Make companies liable for software insecurity, top cybersecurity official says

Make companies liable for software insecurity, top cybersecurity official says



Welcome to The Cybersecurity 202! David DiMolfetta is going to be the full-time researcher for both us and The Technology 202, and he contributed on his very first day! On occasions when he takes over in my absence, he’s surely going to diversify the music recommendations I’m prone to giving around here. Please give him a warm welcome.

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Below: The National Security Council is hosting a roundtable on artificial intelligence today with experts from the United States and European Union, and the U.S. Marshals Service suffered a “major” security breach last week. First:

CISA director hops into the thorny topic of software liability

Congress should advance legislation allowing software manufacturers to be held legally liable for the insecurity of their products, and it should also shield companies that develop secure software from legal liability, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director Jen Easterly said Monday.

By calling for that proposal, Easterly waded into one of the toughest cyber issues to crack.

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