Supply Chain Security for NIST Best Practices


How can organizations mitigate risk and adhere to NIST supply chain security best practices in an interconnected world?

Today’s supply chains’ elaborate, interconnected nature introduces a myriad of complex cybersecurity risks. From third-party vendors to logistics providers, each additional entity presents new potential points of supply chain security vulnerability. Managing these risks requires robust, systematic strategies that identify, analyze, and mitigate threats.

We’re going to present best practices for ensuring supply chain security, drawing from guidelines outlined in key National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) publications, including the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), Special Publication (SP) 800-53, and SP 800-161. We will also consider how our own TrueFort Platform supports successful supply chain security for the best possible protection.

Understanding the Landscape: Security Risk in Supply Chains

Before delving into mitigation strategies, it’s essential to understand the risk landscape associated with supply chains. Modern supply chains encompass various external entities – vendors, suppliers, logistics providers, and more. Each of these…

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