Incident Response for Critical Industrial Organizations


In the last few years, cyberattacks on industrial organizations have become mainstream. In this article, Ryan McConechy, CTO of Barrier Networks, discusses how to build an effective industrial cyber incident response plan, with a key focus on keeping employees, civilians and the environment safe while also maintaining network and system availability.

Cyber attacks on Oldsmar Water, JBS Foods and Colonial Pipeline that deeply affected functions and cost the victim organizations dearly have each demonstrated to the world the credible threat cybercriminals pose to industrial organizations and the consequences that can happen when they occur.

As a result, many industrial organizations are actively working to strengthen the security of their networks and build out incident response plans to help them prepare for attacks and navigate them safely.

But what does this planning look like, and what are the key areas industrial organizations must focus on to improve their response to future cyberattacks?

Understanding the Unique Nature of Industrial Plants

Industrial organizations are the pillars of a smooth-running society. They manufacture food, operate oil and gas supplies, or…

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