The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 32


The Good | White House Launches AI-Centric Cybersecurity Contest to Protect US Entities

The Biden-Harris administration this week announced a new hacking challenge with the purpose of using artificial intelligence (AI) to protect critical US infrastructure from growing cybersecurity threats. In collaboration with tech companies such as OpenAI and Anthropic who are making their technology available for the competition, the “AI Cyber Challenge” (aka AIxCC) offers up to $20 million in prizes for participating hackers. AIxCC will be led by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) who have made an additional $7 million available for SMBs looking to compete. The challenge was announced at Black Hat USA 2023 cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas in line with this years’ theme of generative AI.

The challenge is a practical exercise in demonstrating the…

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