Glen Rock reflects after 21 years – Banaana Tree News


21 years ago, on September 11, 2001, the worst tragedy happened in the United States. Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center Towers (Twin Towers). Our country lost 2,977 people in those crashes.
That night our town came together to help the residents that came home that evening and those who lost a family member. Their actions included bringing water and food to the 2 train stations for those coming home. 

After that day, several residents came together to make an organization to assist family members of those who died in the terrorist attacks. This organization, G.R.A.C.E. (Glen Rock Assistance Council and Endowment), designed a memorial to honor those lost; this memorial is located in Veterans’ Park. There is also a small memorial for those lost on PanAm flight 1033, the Buser family. 

Those lost in the 9/11 attacks.

Paul Andrew Acquaviva
Grace Alegre-Cua
Sean Caton
Anthony Dionisio, Jr.
Brendan Dolan
Timothy J. Finnerty
Joseph Francis Holland III
Damian Meehan
David Robert Meyer
Richard Morgan
Daniel M. Van Laere

Since 2002, they have hosted a memorial service at 6:30 pm in veterans park at the 9/11 memorial. This memorial is very symbolic of the day and the twin towers. 

Glen Rock…
