ESG & Enterprise Risk Management


ESG: New Kid on the Block or Part of the ERM Family?

What’s in this eBook from Protecht:

Environment, social and governance — ESG — is being talked about everywhere. It is the latest key focus for management, especially for risk management. But is it something new, or should it just be part and parcel of a mature enterprise risk management capability?

What is clear, whether you are a director, an investor, an employee, a supplier, a consumer or of course a risk manager, is that ESG has important implications for you and every other stakeholder.

This eBook is aimed at deciphering ESG and providing a practical framework for its management as an integral part of your existing risk management framework.

You should consider environment, social and governance risks as part of your overall suite of risks and an integral part of your Enterprise Risk Management framework. – David Tattam, Chief Research and Content Officer, Protecht Group.

Download this eBook to get an understanding of what ESG means to your business, why you need to care, and how you can best integrate ESG objectives into your risk management framework.

What you will learn:

  1. What is ESG?
          – Environment, social, governance, and bringing them together
  2. The drivers of ESG: Why are we talking about…
