Five ways board can get better at anticipating and adapting to emerging risks | Analysis


Six in ten board members believe emerging risks aren’t being sufficiently addressed in the organisations they serve, according to new research.

Nearly the same proportion say they aren’t aligned with other board members on the material risks that will significantly impact the organisation in the next 12 months.


The EY Global Board Risk Survey is a three-year benchmark survey revealing the views of 500 global board directors from organisations with revenues over US$1 billion.

Key findings include:

  • Geopolitical events, supply chain disruption, and cyber-attacks/data breaches are the top three risks likely to have a severe impact on organisations during the next 12 months.
  • Remote working and a misaligned culture are the two risks that have grown the most since the EY 2021 survey.
  • Only 23% of boards are classified as highly resilient, where highly resilient boards are defined as being better at anticipating, preparing for and adapting to risks than their less resilient peers.
  • 61% of respondents agree that enterprise resilience is more about adaptation than recovering back to normal.
  • Only 31% of boards say their oversight of the risks arising from digital…

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