Sonoma County Sheriff’s watchdog report outlines ‘incomplete’ internal investigations


Sonoma County’s law enforcement watchdog agency is challenging the results of two Sheriff’s Office internal investigations and has determined that six additional cases the agency audited this year were incomplete.

The findings are included in the fiscal-year report released Wednesday by Sonoma County’s Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review & Outreach, or IOLERO, the county’s civilian-led law enforcement oversight agency.

The agency is responsible for auditing the Sheriff’s Office’s administrative investigations and recommending, in certain cases, policy changes and personnel discipline.

This month’s report is the second this year. In March IOLERO officials also questioned results and said a deputy should have been fired for a previous incident near Sonoma.

Sheriff’s Office officials told The Press Democrat they would have no comment beyond their responses to IOLERO in the report. In that response, officials say they have taken steps to make internal investigations more complete, and they assert that IOLERO’s investigations are fundamentally flawed because agency members do not have formal law enforcement training.

The newly released report evaluated 27…
