Agenda for TWDB Board Meeting – October 05, 2023


Visitors who wish to address the Board should complete a visitor registration card and either attend the meeting in person or arrange to address the Board via videoconference. The Texas Open Meetings Act prohibits visitor participation by telephone only. The visitor registration card is available and should be completed and submitted by e-mail to Customer Service no later than 8:00 a.m. on October 5, 2023, or in person at the registration desk.

1. Discussion regarding outreach efforts and activities by the Board.

2. Consider authorizing the publication of notices of intent to review rules in 31 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapters 357, 358, 359, 360, 363, 364, 367, 371, 375, and 377. (Kendal Kowal) Board Agenda #02 Document

3. Consider adopting with changes the previously proposed amendments to 31 Texas Administrative Code Chapters 361 and 362 relating to Regional and State Flood Planning. (Reem Zoun) Board Agenda #03 Document

4. Consider approving Internal Audit’s Fiscal Year 2024 Audit Plan. (Nicole Campbell)

5. Consider approving by resolution the…
