Case study: how to overcome board resistance to integrate a risk management programme | Case Study


Integrating a risk management programme within an organisation is rife with challenges, from managing resistant boards, to low process maturity, or a lack of resources dedicated to risk management implementation.

Darlene Halwas is currently a board member of Carbon Management Canada with a background in leading risk management functions for companies.

View from the board

At a Risk Awareness Week session, she discussed the key challenges she faced when implementing a risk management programme at an organisation, and the steps she took to overcome them.


“The biggest challenges I have faced are gaining alignment and support at the board level,” says Halwas.

“Generally on boards, you are going to find a composition of members who are there for a variety of reasons and they may have varying understandings, and willingness to understand risk management.”

Halwas says that as the tone is set at the top, such obstructions serve as a roadblock in terms of what the organisation can achieve.

”The assumption is ‘you are here to discuss compliance’, versus the value-add of making an organisation better”

“Executive support can be an issue. If you have…
