DDN Announces #CYBERFEST23 to Celebrate #NationalDigitalDirectorsDay and Educate Directors on Cyber Governance



DDN – Solving cybersecurity governance

Week long series of peer learning events will help corporate directors and CISO’s solve the challenges of cybersecurity governance including the new SEC rules.

Cybersecurity success starts in the boardroom, unfortunately so does cybersecurity failure. We’re fixing that.”

— Bob Zukis, DDN CEO

MANHATTAN BEACH, CA, USA, October 1, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — In celebration of #NationalDigitalDirectorsDay on October 1, the first day of cybersecurity awareness month, Digital Directors Network (DDN) is pleased to announce #CYBERFEST23.

#CYBERFEST23 will bring together a group of boardroom and cybersecurity governance leaders the week of October 9 in a series of live online executive learning events to help corporate director’s and CISO’s solve the problem of cybersecurity governance under the new SEC rules and address the mutating cybersecurity risk environment.

#NationalDigitalDirectorsDay is celebrated every October 1 at the beginning of cybersecurity awareness month. It’s a day for every corporate director to think about the important role they play in helping the company shape and…

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