Top ICT tenders: SITA plans cloud marketplace


SITA aims to be the services custodian of a cloud marketplace.

The State IT Agency (SITA) is planning to launch a marketplace platform that will allow government entities to procure or subscribe to cost-effective cloud-based services, with SITA acting as the custodian of the service offerings.

The agency notes it is exploring using cloud service providers and hyperscalers to provide a private government cloud region within an on-premises data centre for the delivery of secure and compliant cloud services to government.

“The use of a separate region or segregation can provide governments with greater control and visibility over their data and applications, as well as improved security and compliance. It allows them to create their own virtual private cloud, which is a private, isolated network that can be used to host their applications and data,” it explains.

“This ensures government data is completely separated from other customers’ data, even within the same region. It also allows them to meet regulatory requirements and ensure their data is protected from unauthorised access, data breaches and other security threats.”

To achieve this, SITA has issued a…

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