Financial Services, Risk Management and Beyond — Tech Entrepreneur, Henna Karna’s Vision for the Future


“Within the nuances in our (tech) choices lies the wisdom to manifest our future in this zero-trust world.” – Henna Karna.

In a rapidly evolving business landscape driven by technological advancements, seasoned tech entrepreneur Henna Karna has developed a clear and dynamic strategy to revolutionize the approach of innovative firms. 

With her impeccable skills and expertise, she aims to redefine industry standards by corresponding with developments in data, analytics, artificial intelligence (including generative AI), ML, and NLP. Let’s delve into Henna’s considerable future strategy for the risk and insurance industry.

One of the primary concerns for these industries is to find areas where we should be able to reduce the global protection gap to make countries and economies more risk-resilient. To propel this objective, Henna proposes to shift their approach from a policy-oriented mindset to a platform-driven one. 

Embracing a platform-oriented method allows companies to work the ecosystem, adopt an iterative approach, precisely testing methodologies to articulate their values, viability, and requirements. This shift will promote customer loyalty as more people engage with their…
