The Number of People with Disabilities in the Workforce Is Growing. But Will They Find Careers in Insurance? : Risk & Insurance


In an enormous industry that touches nearly every facet of daily life, insurance and risk management experts say, there’s ample space for people of diverse abilities to thrive.

The term “disability” encompasses a vast spec­trum. Overall, more people who identify as “disabled” are actively engaged in the workforce today than in recent years.

According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, in 2022, 21% of persons with a disability were employed, up from 19.1% in 2021. Whether this increase is directly tied to greater availability of hybrid work options or a function of more people becoming disabled, some experts expect to see the trend continue.

“Within the next 10 years, I think, the number of people with disabilities working is going to increase quite a bit,” said Gilmara Vila Nova-Mitchell, director of diversity, equity and inclusion at IMT Insurance.

But is the risk management and insurance industry ready to make space for more people with disabilities?

Finding the Right Fit

In risk management, it’s important to con­sider the work that has to be done and how to then…
