API Security in the AI Era: Challenges and Innovations


Sudeep Padiyar, senior director at Traceable AI, dives into the world of API security innovations. Discover how AI and ML revolutionize digital defenses and stay one step ahead of cyber threats.

API security is paramount in an era where APIs have become the backbone of digital interactions. The dynamism and complexity of today’s cyber threat landscape have rendered traditional, rule-based security systems inadequate. These systems, which operate on predefined rules and heuristics, struggle to combat evolving threats that increasingly exploit API vulnerabilities. Now, with attackers becoming more sophisticated using automated techniques [including Large Language Models (LLM)], there is a need for more intelligent, flexible, and adaptive security solutions offered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).

 To appreciate this need, we must first understand the current challenges in API security:

  1. Scale and complexity: Modern organizations may utilize hundreds or thousands of APIs. The sheer volume of APIs and their interactions makes it challenging to both identify the number of APIs as well as detect abnormal behaviors or breaches manually. It’s a…

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