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Home News Internal Audit Collier Clerk Dwight Brock releases audit of county business accerlerators

Collier Clerk Dwight Brock releases audit of county business accerlerators


The Collier County Clerk’s Office has released a scathing financial audit involving the management of the county’s two business accelerators.

A draft audit of Economic Incubators Inc., the agency that operates the accelerators, and the county’s business and economic development department, which provides oversight, became public late Wednesday afternoon. 

The report — running nearly 120 pages long not including exhibits — lists 20 primary concerns, calling into question how the accelerators have been managed and funded.

“One of the major concerns is fabricating things in order to receive payment,” said Collier County Clerk Dwight Brock. “When I say fabricating I don’t mean making, what I mean is making up things.” 

More: Collier…


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