Towards reliable IoT communication and robust security: investigating trusted schemes in the internet of medical things using blockchain


Trust is considered as one of significant and efficient mode of measuring the behavior and nature of communicating node in the network. Trust quantity is generally measured in two parameters such as 0 and 1 where 0 means no trust (the node is not trustworthy anymore in the network) and 1 means the node is highly trusted (recommended to be part of communication network). In comparison of other security and cryptographic algorithms and schemes, trust is defined as one of effective way of identifying the legitimacy of communicating node in the network. In this paper, the trust aggregation method will be used in order to measure the communicating behavior of a device.

System model

Figure 2 represents the system model of a network consists of \({D}_{c}\) number of communicating devices that are able to transmit and receive the information among each other. The \({D}_{1}, {D}_{2},\dots {D}_{n}\) are the number of devices that are considered and allowed to be a part of communication at a specific interval of time \(T.\)

Figure 2
figure 2

System model of proposed mechanism.

In order to measure the trust or legitimacy of communicating device, number of metrics are considered to understand the…

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