Bulawayo City Council blames human error for ‘Barnabas’ land ownership dispute


THE Bulawayo City Council (BCC) is locked in a fraud allegation with a local war veteran, Jackson Barnabas Sibanda emanating from an error of omission involving a piece of land that the latter bought for the purpose of aircraft research.

According to a council confidential report, the local authority is accused of selling the stand located in Kelvin North to a company owned by Sibanda, but instead of awarding him with an agreement of sale, they gave him a lease.

The local authority is further accused of omitting two crucial words in the agreement of sale, which made the document inadmissible legally but claimed that the complainant is of a violent nature which made dealing with him difficult.

This all came out during a site visit, by the then Mayor, Mr Solomon Mguni, to the affected stand which Sibanda’s company, Kinetic Engineering, is turning into a technology centre. During the signing of the agreement of sale, two crucial letters were “intentionally omitted” from the wording in clause 6 which shows details of the purchase price.

The clause indicates that: “The purchase price for the stand shall be the sum of $117 000 exclusive of…
