Reps beam searchlight on security spending, plan full-scale independent audit


The launch of the Legislative Agenda by the Tajudeen Abbas-led 10th House has generated a lot of commentary in the past two weeks. DIRISU YAKUBU interrogates the courageous move by lawmakers to make Nigeria safer for all

For more than a decade now, Nigeria has been battling the scourge of insecurity. What started in Borno State, North-East Nigeria in 2009 as a sectarian uprising against a sub-national government is today a hydra-headed challenge that has since defied strategies devised to checkmate it. It has morphed from a national menace into a continental burden, claiming the lives of thousands in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Niger Republic and elsewhere.

Aware of the powers of laws to shape democracy, service delivery and good governance, Speaker of the 10th House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas drafted a legislative agenda, a policy document aimed at building an all-inclusive government featuring leaders and the led.

One of the thematic focus areas in the eight-point agenda is national security. A copy of the agenda obtained by our correspondent reveals that under this focus, the House will intervene in the spheres of improved accountability, counter-terrorism and…
