“The key element is the tone at the top from the senior leadership. They clearly communicate to the company that the co-sourcing partners are part of the team.”
“The key element is the ‘tone at the top’ set by senior leadership,” Fiore said. “They clearly communicate to the company that the co-sourcing partners are part of the team, that they are there to assist the internal audit team, and that everyone should collaborate as the co-sourcing partners go through the process of learning the business culture and communication style.”
In this preparation phase, leadership at the client company also should solicit — and answer — employees’ questions about the new co-sourcing arrangement. They likely will want to know not just about the mechanics of the new arrangement, but about its necessity, its duration and what it means for the future of their department.
One of the most important messages: When it’s done right, co-sourcing can become an opportunity, rather than a source of worry, for the…