Explaining the crucial role of internal audits in capital projects


In today’s ever-evolving business sphere shaped by environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, the significance of internal audits in ensuring sustainability within capital projects cannot be overstated.

This article delves into the integral connection between internal audits and sustainable practices, emphasising the pivotal role these audits play in guiding organisations toward enduring success.

By establishing a robust governance framework throughout the asset lifecycle and ensuring the implementation of controls to meet sustainability key performance indicators (KPIs), businesses can position themselves strategically for long-term prosperity amid the escalating global focus on ESG considerations.

Sustainable development across the asset lifecycle

From the initial stages of strategising and designing to the eventual decommissioning of assets, the entire asset lifecycle offers numerous opportunities for integrating sustainability.

Organisations can embed sustainability into each phase by adopting renewables, enhancing energy efficiency, embracing circular economy practices, and minimising waste. This approach promotes resource efficiency and environmental consciousness,…
