Government Internal Audit Agency becomes provider of internal audit services to Ministry of Defence


The internal audit team at the Ministry of Defence (MOD) has today transferred into the Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA), not only adding their great wealth of experience to the GIAA, but also enriching the insight that the Agency and its people can bring to the whole of government.

Ministry of Defence building

Ministry of Defence building

This is an important step in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of internal audit across central government. Our mission is to provide objective insight so that government can achieve better outcomes and value for money for the public – better insights, better outcomes.

The addition of MOD as a customer means that the GIAA now provides internal audit services to 15 of the 17 of UK central government’s main departments, as well as to around 130 other government organisations. The Agency’s counter fraud and investigation team provides services to more than 100 UK government customers.

The aim, over time, is for all central UK government departments to take their internal audit service from GIAA. GIAA will then become the sole provider of internal audit and counter fraud services to UK central government and one of the largest non-commercial providers of internal…
