Eide Bailly Partners with Secuvant for Cyber Security Services


Eide Bailly, LLP  has partnered with Secuvant, LLC to supplement Eide Bailly’s current cyber security solutions. Through Eide Bailly with Secuvant, CXOs now have cyber security programs that speak to them as executives about how business-class cyber security solutions protect their true business assets and not simply the technical ones.

As part of this new relationship, Eide Bailly and Secuvant will coordinate their client services and sales activities to ensure that all existing and prospective clients of Eide Bailly are familiar with what new cyber security capabilities the two companies will jointly be offering through Eide Bailly. With a long history of acquiring companies and technologies that has allowed Eide Bailly to offer world-class business management solutions to their global clients, this new relationship is intended to better serve CXOs and IT teams in understanding and managing the business risks a cyber threat or breach can create. Cyber security has traditionally been implemented through technical operations and IT support, which has left most business executives out of the loop on exactly…

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