Hstoday DOD’s Experience with Operational Cyber Resiliency Offers Practical Insights for DHS CISA


The question of when, not if, you will experience cyberattacks and security lapses in government and industry is relevant.  In recent times, there has been a significant increase in the surface area available for cyberattacks due to the integration of OT and IT systems and the growing connection offered by the Internet of Things. Furthermore, the threat actors themselves—hacktivists, nation-state governments, criminal groups, and insider threats—have become increasingly competent and skilled units with deep financial resources.

The harsh truth is that criminal hackers are constantly developing their skills and strategies, making cyber breaches a dynamic threat. These days, cybercriminals use more sophisticated evasion strategies, some of which are even capable of stopping the operation of malware detection software. Code injection and memory space modification as an exploit kit is injected into the target system; frequently, these thieves use stolen certificates that are sold on the dark web or underground market to get past machine learning code and avoid anti-malware detection. 

Adding new developments in generative artificial intelligence is making for a precarious…

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