Internal audit’s rise of intelligent automation


When humans and systems collaborate, the possibilities are almost endless. The leap to automation requires guidance to focus on the right processes and manage the associated risks. When rethinking the way your organization does business, it is critical your organization is ready. KPMG is here to help.

How should internal audit address automation?

Internal audit functions can help the organization achieve desired results from automation while avoiding the pitfalls. Audit executives have three important roles to fill in intelligent automation initiatives:

  1. Audit the governance of automation programs

    Internal audit can help to integrate governance, risk and controls considerations throughout the automation program life cycle as an organization establishes and implements its program.
  2. Identify new opportunities to automate processes

    Internal audit can help the organization identify opportunities to embed automation-enabled control activities within the impacted business processes and functions.
  3. Drive efficiency in internal audit activities

    Finally, the internal audit organization can capitalize on intelligent automation innovations to increase the efficiency and…


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