Risk Mitigation and Due Diligence Tips for Global Growth | Woodruff Sawyer


For this edition of the SPAC Notebook, I had the opportunity to speak with I-OnAsia COO James Tunkey. As an experienced risk management executive, he helps clients, including those in the SPAC market, take advantage of global growth opportunities by offering due diligence and litigation support, and other related consulting work.

See Video here

Since many of our SPAC Notebook readers and listeners are affiliated with foreign companies who are looking to list their companies in the United States, our conversation focused on answering some of their frequent questions. Here are the highlights.

Due Diligence Steps Before Listing on the US Exchange

Yelena Dunaevsky: First, let’s turn to service providers in the US, like investment banks and law firms, that are taking on projects with a foreign company which is looking to list in the US. What kind of issues do they need to protect against and what steps should they take when minimizing their own risk?

James Tunkey: When we first think about doing background checks on behalf of these service providers (aka gatekeepers), we want to make sure the information provided by the directors and officers is verifiable. It’s important because some…
