Cybersecurity, Deepfakes and the Human Risk of AI Fraud


On a March 2024 National Association of State Chief Information Officers call with both government and corporate IT leaders, an old security problem was highlighted that has evolved into a current top threat: Cybersecurity awareness training for end users is back near the top of government cybersecurity concerns, and we’ve seen this play out before. Or have we?

A new generation of AI-generated phishing attacks, arriving through emails, texts, voice messages and even videos, is targeting government organizations in unprecedented ways. These clever new cyber attacks are posing new challenges for organization defenders because they are delivered without typos, formatting errors and other mistakes seen in past targeted phishing and spear-phishing campaigns.

Even scarier are the AI-generated deepfakes that can mimic a person’s voice, face and gestures. New cyber attack tools can deliver disinformation and fraudulent messages at a scale and sophistication not seen before.

Simply put, AI-generated fraud is harder than ever to detect and stop. Recent 2024 examples include fake messages imitating President Biden,…

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