Gallagher Updates Regulation for Artificial Intelligence


Gallagher’s Cyber practice remains laser focused on emerging technology and the potential for increased risks as organizations begin to use them. Throughout 2024, we’re concentrated on evolving compliance requirements for the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Recent AI-specific regulatory proposals in the state, federal and international arenas bear watching. This summary follows our Q1 summary, The Latest Regulation for Artificial Intelligence, with important updates.

State Regulation

As of this writing, 17 states have proposed legislation focusing on AI regulation: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Montana, New York, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.

  • Four states focus on interdisciplinary collaboration: Illinois, New York, Texas and Vermont.
  • Four states focus on protection from unsafe or ineffective systems: California, Connecticut, Louisiana and Vermont.
  • Eleven states focus on protection from abusive data practices: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Iowa, Montana, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
  • Three states — California, Illinois, Maryland — and…

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