what to expect in 2021


The explosive growth of digital technologies is spurring debates in the areas of data privacy and security. Despite the accelerating regulatory environments, it is only the tip of the privacy iceberg, both from a regulatory and consumer standpoint.

Three aspects come to the forefront. The first is the privacy-enhancing technology that provides a trusted environment in which sensitive data can be processed or analysed. The second performs processing and analytics in a decentralised manner. The third encrypts data and algorithms before processing or analytics. This approach is designed specifically for the increasing need to share data while maintaining privacy or security.

In the nearest future, privacy and data-centric security will have reached commodity status, with the ability for consumers to protect and control sensitive data assets becoming mainstream. While a global privacy standard may still be non-existent, at the organisational level a data-centric approach to security will transform from an add-on to the foundation of corporate strategy.

Cyprus adopted its National Cybersecurity Strategy in 2013. In 2018, it created the Digital Security Authority (DSA) and the national CSIRT…
