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Climate Action: Aga Khan Agency for Habitat contributes through land use planning in Tajikistan


18:09, 23 апреля, 2020

In the fragile ecosystems of Tajikistan, AKAH integrating disaster risk reduction and natural resource management; photo / AKAH.

The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) Tajikistan and its partners are implementing a robust set of land use interventions in Tajikistan, including Eco Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) and Natural Resource Management (NRM) programs, in order to combat climate change in the highly fragile ecosystems of Tajikistan.

The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) notes that with 40% of Tajikistan’s water systems thought to be at risk, and a decline of forest cover to only 3%, AKAH is integrating Eco-DRR and NRM across most of its programming to help build climate resilience and reduce carbon emissions.

Additionally, AKAH’s bathymetric assessment of glacial lakes in Tajikistan – the first of its kind – contributes vital data that enables the management of flood risks and informs conservation of critical water bodies.

AKAH reportedly also aims to plant thousands of trees in at-risk areas across the country through its forestation programs, including a new partnership with Caritas Switzerland launched in March 2020. …


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