Law enforcement officers arrested the head of the Azerbaijani metallurgical company Baku Steel » Metallurgprom


Baku Steel Company is the largest metallurgical company in the Caucasus and one of the main exporters of Azerbaijan.

Like reports, Azerbaijani law enforcement officers have arrested the head of the largest metallurgical company countries of Baku Steel Company of Rasim Mammadov.

According to the Azerbaijani media, some time ago, inspections began in Baku Steel Company, as a result of which numerous violations were revealed, in connection with which R. Mammadov was arrested.

Problems in the metallurgical sector of Azerbaijan began long ago. Scattered throughout Absheron, numerous artisanal workshops annually produce thousands of tons of low-quality products that are used in the construction sector.

In addition, the lack of basic safety standards in these workshops regularly leads to various types of accidents and accidents, accompanied by numerous victims.

At the end of last year, Baku Steel Company warned buyers of metal products about possible fraud. The company asked all buyers to be vigilant when purchasing construction fittings allegedly of its production.
