How to Enhance Security’s Business Value in Your Organization


In the fast-evolving landscape of global business, the concept of Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) has emerged as a pivotal strategy for organizations aiming to safeguard their assets and ensure long-term success. While resilience-minded organizations have relied for many years now on overarching Enterprise Risk Management to manage business risk, these efforts have historically focused on operational, financial, governance, and compliance risks, with security often not reaching the level of risk register documented line items.

As cybersecurity risks have skyrocketed over the past 10 to 15 years, security risks on both the cyber and physical side are receiving board-level attention to become key cornerstones of resilience programs. As such, ESRM (Adding “security” to ERM programs) represents a paradigm shift for the industry from traditional security, often more focused on tactical measures, to a more holistic, integrated approach that aligns with an organization’s overarching objectives and strategies.

At its core, ESRM is about understanding and managing the array of security risks that organizations face, from cyber threats and data breaches to physical security…

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