Is it time to split the CISO role?


Cybersecurity has gained a lot of space and attention in recent years and with that attention came legislations, regulations and a lot more scrutiny. One of the results of this is that CISOs have now more responsibilities that go beyond the technical aspects of defending enterprises.

An IANS study shows that CISOs oversee more than just information security and their remit often includes technical risk and compliance among other things. Growing regulatory requirements means there’s greater need for board oversight and CISOs must continue to align evolving cyber risks with an understanding of the business landscape.

“CISOs are needing to work with the business’ executives, regulators, cyber insurance providers, and CFOs for budgeting, and they have to be fluent in the language of the business and translate that into cyber risk. That in itself is really a full-time role,” says Jon Oltsik, analyst emeritus with Enterprise Strategy Group.

At the same time, there are growing demands of managing increasingly complex technology, which requires dedicated attention and oversight. “The technology is becoming incredibly large and diverse and includes…

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