Optiv Report Shows Nearly 60% Increase in Security Budgets as Most Organizations Report Cyber Breaches and Incidents



DENVER — June 25, 2024 — Optiv, the cyber advisory and solutions leader, has published its 2024 Threat and Risk Management Report, which examines how organizations’ cybersecurity investments and governance priorities are keeping up with the evolving threat landscape. 

Based on an independent Ponemon Institute survey, the report reveals a 59% increase in cyber budgets year-over-year. Additionally, 63% of organizations with more than 5,000 employees had an average of $26 million allocated to cybersecurity investments in 2024.

The report shows a significant rise in data breaches and security incidents, with 61% of respondents experiencing a data breach or cybersecurity incident in the past two years, and 55% of respondents experiencing four or more incidents in that timeframe. These numbers highlight the urgent need for organizations to further prioritize cybersecurity investments and strategies.

Download the full report: 2024 Cybersecurity Threat and Risk Management Report

“Cyber incidents are not slowing down, which means organizations must work at a speed above those of the threat actors attacking their environments. As we see security budgets increasing,…

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