European Commission requests public feedback on NIS2 cybersecurity measures before implementation


The European Commission has sought feedback on the draft implementing act under the NIS2 Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union. The move comes ahead of the Commission’s plan to adopt an implementing act to lay down the technical and methodological requirements of the cybersecurity risk management measures for some entities in the digital infrastructures, digital providers, and ICT service management (business-to-business) sectors.

The draft implementing act is available for public feedback through the ‘Have Your Say’ portal until July 25. This four-week consultation period allows the public to contribute to refining the initiative. All feedback received will be considered in the finalization process and published on the site, adhering strictly to the established feedback rules.

The NIS2 Directive enhances cybersecurity risk management measures and standardizes incident reporting requirements for numerous operators throughout the EU. Due to the transnational activities of some operators in digital sectors, the NIS2 necessitates the alignment of regulations at the EU level. This act will assist in this alignment and define when an…

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