EU-funded project supports stress testing of Tajikistan’s disaster risk management system


17:19, 15 июля, 2022

Experts from the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction of Tajikistan, international and local organizations, and representatives of business and academia participated in a stress testing workshop of Tajikistan’s disaster risk management (DRM) system against the most impactful disaster scenarios in the country. The workshop was funded by the European Union (EU) and organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) within the joint project on disaster risk reduction in Central Asia.

In May 2022, Tajikistan’s Committee of Emergency Situations & Civil Defense and UNDRR concluded a comprehensive DRM system capacity assessment and planning exercise, which revealed major needs and challenges in the system and suggested a targeted plan of action to strengthen the disaster risk reduction (DRR) policy implementation in the country.


As the next step of the process, EU-UNDRR project supported the National Platform to conduct a stress test analysis – a scenario-based multi-stakeholder assessment process to evaluate the state of national capabilities to reduce, absorb and transfer disaster risk and develop a…
