How to manage your cybersecurity proactively with these practical tips from Qualys exec Richard Sorosina


When it comes to cybersecurity the bad guys have an advantage; they only need to be successful once to breach your defences while you need to protect against everything all the time. Fortunately, you’re not in this fight alone, with many solid, robust companies dedicated to combating cybercrime and protecting your company.

One of these is Qualys, a leading provider of cloud-based security and compliance solutions. Qualys offers a comprehensive suite of products designed to simplify the management of IT security and compliance for organisations of all sizes and help them protect their critical IT assets against ever-evolving cyber threats. Richard Sorosina took time from his busy schedule to speak with iTWire about this vital topic.

Cyber risks are continually evolving. Ransomware has been big, and continues to enjoy a lot of success in compromising companies. So too are business email compromises. However, they don’t stop with these. “Supply chain risk is a major concern, increasingly dominating discussions among cybersecurity leaders,” Sorosina says. “At a recent CISO luncheon, nearly every participant highlighted third-party risk, whether in the context of software supply…

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