What is New in Risk Management – free webinar 31.08.2024 RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Are you tired of outdated risk management practices that don’t add real value? Do you feel like your risk assessments are more about ticking boxes than making a difference? You’re not alone.

Join us for an eye-opening workshop on 31 August 2024 at 10:30AM Central European time (check in your time zone) where we dive into the revolutionary changes reshaping risk management today. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Transform decision-making: Discover how to move from traditional risk assessments to decision-centric risk management. Learn to integrate risk analysis directly into your strategic decisions, ensuring that every choice you make is informed by a comprehensive understanding of potential uncertainties.
  2. Harness the power of quantitative risk analysis: Are you overwhelmed by the complexity of probabilistic modeling and Monte Carlo simulations? We’ll demystify these advanced techniques, showing you how to apply them practically to model potential outcomes and their probabilities, providing a more accurate representation of risk.
  3. Integrate risk management into business processes: See real-world examples of how risk management can be seamlessly integrated into strategic planning, budgeting, project management, and performance management. Learn how to embed risk analysis into everyday business operations to enhance decision quality.
  4. Leverage cutting-edge AI: Get acquainted with the latest tools and technologies, such as RAW@AI, SIPmath and ModelRisk, that support sophisticated risk management practices. Understand how these tools can streamline your risk analysis and improve accuracy.
  5. Build a risk-aware culture: Learn strategies to foster a risk-aware culture within your organization. Encourage open discussions about risks and integrate risk management into your organizational DNA.


Alex Sidorenko, Head of Risk, Insurance and Internal Audit, Serra Verde

Experienced executive across strategic, investment and operational risks and insurance working within multibillion dollar corporations in Australia, GCC and Europe. Successfully implemented changes to quantitative risk analysis, risk-based decision making and neuroscience.

Saved more than $13 million per year in premiums on cargo and PD/BI insurance through industry leading quantitative risk analysis without changing deductibles or limits. Successfully presenting corporate risk profile at the Ministry of finance and helping secure more than $1B in extra funding.

Author of the most popular free risk management book in the world, more than 150K downloads in 3 languages. Risk manager of the year, FERMA, 2021, Honourable mention 2021, RIMS. Risk manager of the year, RUSRISK, 2014, Best ERM Implementation, RUSRISK, 2014, Best risk management training, RUSRISK, 2013, 2014, 2015, finalist in risk management awards in 2018 and 2019.

RISK-ACADEMY offers online courses



Informed Risk Taking

Learn 15 practical steps on integrating risk management into decision making, business processes, organizational culture and other activities!




Advanced Risk Governance

This course gives guidance, motivation, critical information, and practical case studies to move beyond traditional risk governance, helping ensure risk management is not a stand-alone process but a change driver for business.
