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Home News Risk management AKAH implements community-based disaster risk management activities in Tajikistan

AKAH implements community-based disaster risk management activities in Tajikistan


11:43, 16 ноября, 2020

When Barsem Village in GBAO was inundated by a mudflow in 2015, no one lost their lives thanks to fast-acting volunteers trained by the AKAH; photo AKDN.

Tajikistan continues to be highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with a World Bank publication – Adapting to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia – indicating that Tajikistan is the most vulnerable country in Central Asia and Europe.

In collaboration with government institutions and with the financial support of various donors, the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) implements community-based disaster risk management activities in Tajikistan to help prepare communities residing in high risk zones to be aware of and be able to respond to natural hazards effectively.  It also supports them in finding ways for their “habitat” to enhance their health, education and economic development, according to AKDN. 

The AKAH approach is to predict, where possible, potential emergencies that may impact homes and livelihoods, identify structural and non-structural interventions that can prevent or mitigate the impact of those hazards, and to build the capacities of communities and…


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