Leveraging Cyber Risk Quantification for NIS 2 Compliance | Kovrr



  • The NIS 2 Directive creates a foundation for a unified approach to managing cyber risks across the European Union, outlining specific measures that Member States must demand of organizations regarding their cybersecurity programs.
  • NIS 2 effectively elevates cyber risk management to the highest operative levels by instituting penalties for entities, as well as for specific stakeholders, should they not meet adequate levels of compliance.
  • Faced with these responsibilities, entities will undoubtedly have to adopt new tools and solutions to meet the enhanced cybersecurity obligations. On-demand cyber risk quantification emerges as particularly valuable, helping executives comply with several aspects of the legislation. 
  • Kovrr’s CRQ models, specifically, assist organizations and, thus, Member States in identifying and assessing critical assets, helping to make sure cyber security strategies accurately account for the unique risks posed to the marketplace. 
  • Quantifying the effectiveness and improving cybersecurity posture over time (another provision of NIS 2) is likewise made easier with Kovrr’s CRQ, which offers data-driven financial insights regarding an…

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