Overcome The Five Poisons Of Human Risk Management


I am thrilled to announce Forrester’s Human Risk Management (HRM) Solutions Wave™ which evaluates the nine most significant vendors in the HRM space. Forrester clients can view here. This Wave looks nothing like its predecessor, The Forrester Wave™: Security Awareness And Training Solutions, Q1 2022, reflecting the fact that today’s HRM solutions look nothing like the Security Awareness and Training (SA&T) solutions of the past.  

What Are The Kleshas And Why Am I Writing About Them?  

Patañjali‘s Yoga Sūtras identifies poisons, or afflictions, which are said to be the causes of suffering – the five Kleshas. These are ignorance, ego, attachment, avoidance, and fear of death. While they’re natural human conditions, they can hold us back.  In yoga, understanding the Kleshas means identifying the mental patterns that hold us back as the first step in overcoming them.   

We started the evaluation in knowing that vendors and customers were at different stages of HRM adoption. What I didn’t realize then was how much resistance we would face, depending on where vendors were in achieving their own vision of HRM. As a leader, you need to…

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