Non-human identities present a major security risk


Compromised non-human identities have led to successful cyberattacks at that 66 percent of enterprises.

A new report from AppViewX, based on a survey of almost 370 IT, cybersecurity, and DevOps professionals by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), also shows 57 percent of the episodes where organizations suffered a successful attack tied to NHI compromises got the board of directors attention.

“Non-human identities represent one of the most significant attack surfaces within today’s enterprises,” says Todd Thiemann, senior analyst at ESG. “Without proper management and security controls, NHIs can lead to costly data breaches, operational disruptions, and compliance failures. This report provides valuable insight into the current NHI landscape, how organizations are addressing risks, and their intentions for ensuring continuous security as their NHI volume grows.”

Among other findings are that organizations now manage 20 times more non-human identities than human ones, with more than 50 percent expecting this number to increase by over 20 percent in the next year.

Nearly 46 percent of organizations have experienced breaches related to NHIs, with the…

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